tirsdag den 24. juli 2012

The Top 3 Goal-Setting Systems Available

The Top 3 Goal-Setting Systems Available

There are hundreds-if not thousands-of goal-setting gurus out there on the web today. Some are hardcore and straight to the point, some dilly-dally with theory and psychology, and others are just plain fake and use re-hashed material from the other two.

So when it comes to setting and achieving your own goals, who do you turn to? In my own search for the best goal-setting advice available, I've found that it all depends on your personality… and how bad you actually want to make your dreams come true.

I've compiled this brief list of the top three goal-setting systems available on the web. If you're ready to start getting your goals out of your imagination and into reality, then one of these three is definitely going to make it happen for you!

#3 -Early to Rise's How to Achieve the New American Dream
This is a collection of writings from Early to Rise's editor Craig Ballantyne, including his interpretations of Kekich's 100 Credos and "34 Rules for Maverick Entrepreneurs" by Yanik Silver. While reading, you'll be asked to develop 12 personal rules to live by. You'll also begin a Gratitude & Achievement journal. The system described in this book is really only effective for those who don't need too much structure and are very self-motivated.

#2 - Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Arguably one of the most popular productivity books of our time, Covey teaches you to be proactive, not reactive; begin with the end in mind; take care of the highest priorities first, and several others. Like How to Achieve… Covey's book is loosely structured. It is motivating, but it is not a blueprint for achieving goals.

#1 - Melanie Fine's 7-Step Success Action Plan for Finally Achieving All of Your Goals
Although this plan was just released, it was the easy, obvious choice for the top of my list. Fine does not believe in filling pages with fluff. She gives you just enough motivation and inspiration to get moving, and then her step-by-step planner does the rest. Her package includes a year-long planner that keeps you moving toward your goals every day, 40 affirmations for motivation, and 6 live webinars that help you stay focused and excited about your goals.

It is Fine's no-nonsense approach to achieving goals that makes it so effective. Each entry takes about an hour a day, but it puts you in the mindset to make the day the most efficient that it can be. (You can find the 7-Step Success Action Plan at [www.7stepaction.com].)

So, if you're ready to stop "guru surfing" and you're ready to really start achieving your goals, I would definitely start with Fine's 7-Step Success Action Plan. Good luck!

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Why Do We Keep Failing Diets?

Are you one of the many millions wondering why losing weight is so hard and why we keep failing diets?

If so, there is a good chance that you are looking for a quick fix to a weight problem that happened over a long time. In reality, there are no quick fixes.

However, if we can discover the why, we may be able to stop failing the many diets we have been on so many times?
Reducing Calories is Not the Only Answer
Lot of times we think that all we have to do is lower our calorie intake to lose weight.

Unfortunately, in our zeal to lose weight quickly, we end up lowering them to a point where it slows our metabolism rate. When this happens, the body will actually gain weight.

A healthy diet is at least 1200 to 1500 calories for an active person. If your calorie intake is allowed to go below 1000, the metabolism can start slowing and the impact of lower calories are not felt as much.

You Must Eat Breakfast
Many of us skip breakfast; whereas it is the most important meal of the day.

We must eat breakfast to start the day correctly! This gets the metabolism going in the morning after being dormant overnight. However, what we eat for breakfast is equally important. Unfortunately the traditional breakfast or the quick and easy processed ones are not the way to go.

Hydrate Yourself

We often don't drink enough water in the amount we are supposed to.

We prefer to drink soda or other calorie rich drinks or drinks with artificial sweeteners. If we do drink water, we complain about not liking the taste or worry about going to the bathroom too often.

The various cells of the body need good old plain water to do their tasks (green or even black tea is a good alternative). When these cells are healthy and doing their jobs right, the body works more efficiently. This could help you lose weight more effectively.
Eating Less is the Simplest Way

The average food intake has increased tremendously from a few decades ago. Even worse, the kinds of foods we now consume are more processed. Both are detrimental to our health and weight.

Eating the Right Foods is the Key

Another way we make it hard for ourselves when trying to lose weight is by eating all the wrong foods in all the wrong ways.

Also we should eat several smaller meals/snacks during the day instead of three big ones. This keeps our metabolism going evenly throughout the day while keeping us from getting into the habit of eating large meals in one sitting.

One of the better ways to know the kind of foods to eat and the correct balance between different foods, is by learning about the glycemic index of foods and using the glycemic index list for understanding the foods we are currently eating and how it may impact our body.

A lower glycemic index diet has been shown to help lose weight and the benefits are many.

A low glycemic diet can help ensure that your diet is improved, balanced and appropriate for losing weight and keeping it off.

Being Active is Important
We may think they by just adjusting our eating habits, the weight will come right off.

Well guess again.

If we don't move our body and be active, we cannot burn calories as effectively as we could.

We have to exercise on a regular basis, as part of a weight loss plan, to burn the necessary calories while becoming fit also.

Exercise can keep the metabolism at a level that burns calories fast enough for us to lose weight. Also the more muscle we have, the better our body will burn fat. This is what we need to lose those unwanted pounds.

So Why O Why?

So why is losing weigh so hard?

It is hard because we often do it the wrong way and therefore we keep failing our diets.

We often eat too much and don’t reduce food consumption enough, just for starters.

If we do cut back on eating, we may go on a crash diet that is not good for losing weight and especially not for keeping it off.

Finally, we don't eat the right foods. At the same time we are not being active enough to help the body burn up the excess calories.

The Answer My Friends
Weight loss does not have to be as hard as it has been.

Make losing weight easier today by learning to eat the right foods. Start by using the glycemic index list and following a lower glycemic index diet.

Ultimate Weight Loss Secret

The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret - Weight Loss Bully Review
I am sure all of you have tried at least one weight loss diet in your
lives. So have I. We place great hopes on diet and follow them
religiously- yet most of the time there are no visible results. What
any credible weight loss diet should do is that it should be able to
show you results and that too measurable ones. There is one such diet
which I wish to inform you all about. It is called the Weight Loss
Bully and has been gaining popularity each day as more and more users
are delighted by the results. It is a complete diet package that
provides you with sample recipes, foods to avoid and to accept and even
give you an introduction to how to use the famous “The Get
Ripped Diet". Weight Loss Bully provides you with invaluable
information regarding foods that are metabolism boosters, these foods
are commonly available and at the same time indispensable in your diet.
The Weight Loss Bully assists you in busting some age old myths about
weight loss. They provide you with a step by step plan that you can
follow everyday in order to make your weight loss plan smooth and easy.

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This plan is very quick and easy and at the same time most importantly
safe! It works perfectly for men and women regardless of their age and
physical condition. It guarantees that you will lose fat and grow the
much more healthier muscle in its place.
Apart from diet, they help you with exercise; which is the other key
which locks-outs that persistent fat bully. One of the top reasons that
people cite for not exercising is lack of time. {aff_link}
They give you tips about how to fit exercise into your busy work
schedule. Together diet and exercise can help you in unlocking the
secrets to fat burning and weight loss.
While all this may sound too good to be true for some and as you say
nothing is perfect. This next to perfect diet plan can only be
completely implemented if you follow it thoroughly. {aff_link}
As with all diet plans, initially you may accidently indulge a couple
of time- but once you get a hang of it, you will see the difference in
your figure and overall health.

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10 Steps on Improving Your Metabolism

Are you sluggish and low on energy? Do you feel like you work and work toward your weight loss goal and never seem to make any dramatic improvement?
You could be suffering from a slow metabolism. Even though you may have a slow metabolism, it does not have to destroy your weight loss efforts. You can dramatically improve your metabolism, and boost your energy levels without taking supplements.
Your metabolism simply refers to the conversion of food to usable energy by the body. It is the biological process, by which energy is extracted from food, and the net result is how fast or slowly the body burns those calories.
A few steps you can take to improve your metabolism naturally are:
  1. Drink Water for Improving Your Metabolism - Water is great to drink and you should be drinking a minimum of 8 to 10, glasses daily, of course, more is better. It will help increase your metabolism and flush out sodium, toxins, and fat. Drinking water before meals will fill your stomach so you feel full and prevent overeating. Avoid excess colas, coffee, teas, and sugary juices. Caffeine will dehydrate you, and the sugar will do more damage than good in the long-run.

  2. Eat Every Three Hours for Improving Your Metabolism - Eat a small balanced meal every three hours, including snacks. Meals and snacks should be balanced, meaning they should contain a complete protein, carbohydrates, as well as natural fat. Failure to eat consistently can lead to a slower metabolism and fat storage. Also, skipping meals slows down your metabolism. To ignite fat loss you need to be consuming the right foods in a balanced manner throughout the day.

  3. Don't Skip Breakfast for Improving Your Metabolism - Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it gets your metabolism running in high gear. You wouldn't drive your car to work on an empty tank, and you shouldn't start your day without adequate nourishment. Your first meal sets your metabolism for the day and keeps it going, as long as you eat every three hours. If you get up early and eat a late breakfast, you miss out on several hours of burning calories.

  4. Don't Fear Fat for Improving Your Metabolism - Fat has developed a bad reputation. Many people think fat makes you fat. This is false. The type of fat and how much fat you eat impacts your body fat composition. Fat is needed by the body. Those who follow a very low-fat diet have a harder time ridding their body of fat. Choose natural healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, various nuts, flax, and natural peanut butter to receive your necessary fats.

  5. Omit Trans Fat for Improving Your Metabolism - Trans fat is the bad fat, the cause of weight gain, low energy, depression, cancer, and heart disease. You will never get the body you desire by eating "healthy" fast food, frozen dinners, and other processed choices. If it's man-made, it's not the best choice and will halt fat loss endeavors. Eat the foods Mother Nature has provided to meet your fat loss goals.

  6. Be Active Daily for Improving Your Metabolism - Stay active at least six days a week. Take the stairs when possible or park further out to get that little bit of extra movement to keep the heart and lungs working optimally. The more movement you get daily, the better you will feel overall.

  7. Do Cardiovascular Exercise for Improving Your Metabolism - Cardio exercise is necessary for heart and lung health. It also burns calories. Doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach can tap into fat stores, and keep your body burning calories at a high rate for about an hour after cardio is finished. If you fail to eat adequately daily, first morning cardio on an empty stomach can work against you. Doing morning cardio on very low calorie diet can burn muscle. Another good time to incorporate cardio is in the evening after your last meal. This allows you to burn calories so you are not sleeping on them. You do not have to implement a morning and evening session, choose one or the other or cycle between the two to prevent staleness and boredom.

  8. HIIT It for Improving Your Metabolism - Blend some High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) into your cardiovascular program from time to time to give your body and metabolism a good shock. The body is programmed for adaptation Therefore, doing the same cardio format day in and day out can become stale really fast. Take one or two days a week and implement some HIIT to give the body an added shock.

    HIIT is basically alternating low intensity and moderate to high intensity cardio training. For example, a 20 minute HIIT session would look similar to this: Minute 1 and 2 - Low Intensity (Walking)
    Minute 3 and 4 - High Intensity (Light jogging or running)
    Minute 5 and 6 - Low Intensity
    Minute 7 and 8 - High Intensity
    and so on.
  9. Weight Train for Improving Your Metabolism - Resistance training builds muscle, which is metabolically active tissue. The more muscle you acquire, the faster your metabolism will be. Adding more lean muscle tissue to your body will put curves in the right places and allow you to eat more calories a day.

  10. Listen to Your Body for Improving Your Metabolism - Killing yourself with workouts is just as dangerous as not working out at all. Listen to your body and get proper rest. Don't train if you are ill, still sore from the previous workout, or just simply too tired. Training in such a state can cause more problems than it solves.
If any of the above fail to prove results in 4 to 6 weeks, there could be an underlying problem, such as a food allergy, sluggish thyroid, hormonal imbalance, toxins, parasites, etc. If so, I recommend searching for a natural healer in your area to determine the cause and work from there. For the most part, proper diet, detoxifying, and herbs can correct any ailments.